Out of a Jam is a multifaceted non-profit with a vision to nurture and educate youth and women, a plan to save overstocked foods to feed the less fortunate & a program to guide students toward a successful path in life. Let us tell you our story . . . .
From Our Founder
I started Out of a Jam after seeing women and young adults suffering through life working multiple dead end jobs and barely getting by. I knew that I could teach them how to cook, manage their lives differently, and help them get certifications they could use in the workforce.
I had lots of love to share, and I knew that I could help these women take better care of themselves and their families with building relationships and offering guidance.
It’s a big task with a simple formula. Learn to love God and you’ll learn to love others!
With appreciation,

"Sam I Am"
An Out Of A Jam Student Story
Sam came to Out of a Jam during the summer of 2021 needing a job. Unbeknownst to us, he told all his friends that he did NOT want to work in the food industry, and we offered him a job selling jam and working on the food truck. Looking back now, we know that God was managing the new relationship between Sam and Out of a Jam.
Sam was and is extremely intelligent and learned quickly how to “work the crowd” at the market and became an instant success. His love for people, especially the other kids that worked for Out of a Jam each summer made everyone look forward to spending time with him every Saturdays.
Sam loved jam! When he approached Paula about creating a special flavor, Raspberry-Mango, she challenged him to sell 75 jars of jam on Saturday. And to no one’s surprise, he succeeded. As a reward, the first batch of Raspberry-Mango jam was named “Sam I Am” and continues to be one of the top selling jams.
Sam loves Jesus and helped the other students understand things about scripture and how their challenges could be easier with a little bit of faith.
He is now in college and continues to succeed in everything he attempts. We know that he helps his new friends learn about the love he has for Jesus. Congratulations, Sam!